Monday, May 15, 2023

Day 10: Flagstaff to Holbrook, AZ

Today's Ride

The Stats

95 miles
1,335 ft. climbing (with more descending than that!)

Miles Completed: 631
Miles to Go: 2,765   
States Visited: 2 of 15 (next state line tomorrow!)
Feet Climbed: 28,289

The Ride

Another glorious day weather-wise (ranging between 60's and 80's temp), with some sprinkles and threatening clouds for a while but never really a full-on rainstorm. Though it was a long mileage day, the headwinds hindered less than the downhill grade helped, making for a relatively doable 95 miles with arrival at the hotel by 3. 

We left Flagstaff on the historic Route 66, passing many motels (some refurbished, some shuttered) of a bygone era. Before long, we once again had an "interstate" day, this time on I-40. A bit less trafficked than the I-10 but for many of the group it didn't mean any fewer flats (though I've been lucky since my sacrifice to the flat tire/slashed tire gods in Palm Springs). We had to remember to turn around to enjoy the views behind us. 

The road largely followed the Santa Fe Railroad. 

I actually rode with some others for a while today, which allowed for some other picture opportunities.

Point me, in the direction of Albuquerque...
Other than singing the Partridge Family out loud when I saw the sign "point[ing] me in the direction of Al-bu-quer-que...", the soundtrack of the day was clearly the Eagles' "Take It Easy," as we all had the opportunity to be "standin' on the corner of Winslow Arizona, such a fine sight to see...." Some report that it was Jackson Browne actually credited with those specific lyrics. It seems that the whole town was built around the song, and it's clearly the major tourist attraction, though it used to be one of the largest cities in Arizona until the continuous Route 66 was no more. It was a fun gathering and a highlight of the day, topped only by the excellent strawberry milkshake from the corner store. Not something I usually consume, but such are the indulgences I grant myself on a 95-mile day!

Standin' on the corner you know where!
Mark has been rating ice cream stops with cones
-- this one got 5 cones!

Classic flatbed Ford lean

Sadly, I was trying so hard to make a recording of me with the song and the Standing at the Corner Sign that I totally blew getting just a regular old picture with it! Oh well, perhaps I'll have to come back!

What most people don't know is that Winslow is also home to the "World's Smallest Church in the World," or so they claim. DISCLAIMER: Other places make the same claim to fame, including Oneida, NY and Bayou Goula, La.  One website reports that it's really only the smallest church along Rte 66, which makes a bit more sense.

After a few passing showers that never materialized into a downpour, and some patches of rough road, we paid a visit to the Jack Rabbit.

I personally prefer the Jackalope in Dubois, WY, but it helped break up the ride. 

Another 20 miles and we arrived in Holbrook, our home for the night, with some interesting sites along the way.

There were an odd display of dinosaurs scattered throughout the town.

We're staying at a brand new hotel outside of town (or at least the one block that appeared to be a town). Once again, conveniently located to a gas station for my post-ride carbo-load!
First room with a view!

Employee of the (Yester)Day

We had a remarkable server Pilar last night at Taverna (around the corner from our Flagstaff hotel). We showed up as a party of 14 on the night of Mothers' Day, after graduation weekend celebrations, and we were welcomed graciously with a smile by Pilar. She managed not only to get us promptly fed (we're still hungry even when don't ride!) but gladly split the checks for everyone. I'm too tired to capture how great she was, but trust me -- it's hard to find such professional service with a smile anywhere!

And a Few Leftover Photos from Flagstaff

Tomorrow we cross our second state line into New Mexico, or at least that's the plan. I think we also lose an hour as we'll be crossing into the Mountain Time Zone, so at the late great hour of 8:18 it's time for me to get ready for bed and the day ahead!

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