Sunday, May 21, 2023

Day 16: Santa Fe to Las Vegas, NM

Today's Ride

The Stats

74 miles
4,226 ft. climbing
Top elevation: 7,535 ft. 
Milestones: We crossed the 1,000 mile threshold and the highest elevation of the tour!

Miles Completed: 1,009
Miles to Go: 2,387
States Visited: 3 of 15
Feet Climbed: 43,369

The Ride

After a fabulous, but too short, respite with Ben, we were fetched from Bishop's Lodge at 5:45 to deposit me at the Courtyard Marriott -- only to realize halfway there that I had left my phone back at the hotel. Better then than later! Thanks to our driver, he hightailed it back, the bell staff had retrieved my phone, and we were off again! We said our goodbyes and I rejoined the group for a fairly lame (as all agreed) breakfast. But I was happy for my bike to greet me with a new rear tire and readjusted gears (thanks to Peyton), and to get back on the road.

We left the hotel with temps in the 50's, clear enough skies (though some dicey forecasts for later on), and soon began climbing out of Santa Fe. We crossed paths with the Santa Fe Century, and it was nice to feel part of what appears to be an active recreational cycling community. It was just a fun ride, coke bottle and all!

The climb wasn't too steep and the road was relatively quiet. Peter (of the faster group, who caught up to me) joined me as we crested the highest elevation of the tour (approx. 7,535 ft., depending on whose Garmin you believe). Of course, the best part was the reward of the many mile downhill, pine scent wafting in the air. No wonder all those furniture polish companies decided to bottle it -- it's the epitome of "clean and fresh." The vistas were grand (you know, the kind it's too hard, at least for me, to capture on photos).

Our first SAG was one of the best -- at Pecos National Monument, complete with snow-capped vistas and the remains of the Pecos Pueblo and a 1717 Spanish Mission Church. Made for a great "look at my bike leaning against stuff" photo, despite the ominous warnings about slithery creatures. 

So color coordinated with the southwest!

All was great through the next SAG, where we crossed our 1,000 mile threshold. As Paula said to me, "Did you ever really think you would be here?" And the answer was no, but not sure that was right, as I had been planning and envisioning this trip for so long I at least hoped that someday I would reach this point. 
Paula and her son Tom

With only 15 miles to go (my daily "it's just Kiku and back along 9W" mental ritual), I once again was being put to the mental test. They had predicted thunderstorms in Las Vegas after 2 p.m., so we thought we'd beat them (even at my speed, I was tracking to be in by then!). Before I knew it, streaks of lightning surrounded me on either side, with thunder roaring in the distance. I forgot the formula for "guessing" how far away the lightning was based on the time between those two events, but all I knew is that my heartrate soared and my legs pedaled faster. Got soaked again, and fortunately not hit by lightning (figured the chances were low enough, so beating those odds weren't that hard!), but it was a challenging stretch.

Finally arrived in Las Vegas, NM. 

Atypically, instead of a chain hotel, we are staying at the Historic Plaza Hotel across from the town plaza (duh!). 
Besides reportedly being haunted, and being assigned the Room 310 (supposedly haunted by the former owner, Byron T. Mills), it has a bar! Good thing, since most of the restaurants here are closed on Sundays!

The hotel is also apparently prominently featured in Longmire, a Netflix show, which I'll have to add to my watchlist.

Another highlight was talking to Bambi and Verne at the bar. She is an artist who lives in Chicago but is originally from LA and is here to take a class on some form of sculpture which I unfortunately didn't write down, so don't remember. Verne is from Santa Fe, and was familiar with the passes we had climbed the last few days. 

Bambi and I had a moment, and a hug, and she told me she was proud of me. Not sure why that mattered so much, but it did. I am so glad I met her and her positivity. Encounters like this have become some of the most memorable moments of this journey. Perhaps it will motivate me through the 110 miles we have to ride tomorrow! I guess "that's what I get for waking up in Vegas!"

L&E Geek Out

We recently passed through Albuquerque, which is in Bernalillo County. Did you know that this county is one of the few jurisdictions in the country requiring private employers to provide paid leave for any reason to their employees? 


After a few beers, a hug with Bambi and posting the blog, I took a stroll to meet some others at Stella’s, a fabulous cafe just down the block that apparently has just started serving dinner the first time this week (lucky for us). For starters, I was greeted with the elusive rainbow I had been seeking since we were surrounded by storms. 

I then was treated to a most delicious lasagna (thanks for having a veggie option!) in fine company, topped off by mint chip and coffee ice cream. Great end to an ultimately great day. 
And of course a nice chat with Frank the owner who (fortunate for us) stumbled on Las Vegas and stayed there!

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