Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Packing progress and making it real!


It’s finally sinking in that I leave in less than 48 hours. Trying to pack less than 30 lbs in 2 small duffels for 7 weeks gives new meaning to “traveling light”!  Thanks, Coach Mara, for getting me through that! The bike too is packed away so no more riding until LA! Thanks also to  my dear friends for the fabulous L’chaim to 60- Sea to Sea with Sips in between” jersey.  Hope after a few hundred miles it won’t be so form fitting! Oh, and I’ve now added a “follow” button (thanks, Pete!) so you can follow my journey more easily once it begins. The joys of modern technology. Definitely a love hate relationship on my end but I’ve (mostly) succumbed!

And keeping with the thank you's, I want to thank in advance United Airlines employees at Newark and LAX, and of course the TSA, for (hopefully, please, please...) getting my bike there safely and on time, and not give those who told me to pack and ship it a reason to say, "I told you so!"


  1. Honor to be your Coach!! Did you remember your shoes and helmet?

    1. Mara Miller (Double Star Coaching), I feel like the other tour members are getting sick of me telling them how awesome my coach was throughout the mental/physical/food/equipment/packing process! But you were and are! I feel so well prepared in all those respects!


Post-Ride Reflections and Ramblings

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